Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Break

Spring Break is coming. For about half of it, the kids are home for doctor's appointments, laundry, etc. Theoretically there is also supposed to be interview for summer jobs... but I'm getting resistance. Living and working at home means "house rules." They get to keep what they earn, but they help out with chores (like laundry, dishes, cleaning their bathroom.)

Apparently, this is terribly unfair.


So, they are both looking for jobs on campus. It could mean that there will again be no kids in the home over the summer, if they go for jobs on campus. Jobs that will pay about 1/2 of what they can get locally. But... jobs on campus are closer to friends. And there's freedom.

I pray a lot that they will trust us more. That they will come to us with their hurts and worries. What they don't know is that I found a "secret" Tumblr account where there are regular tags that say "fuckyoumother" and "fuckoffdad." Over Christmas, someone did an update to their Tumblr on the kitchen computer, and apparently (deliberately?) left the browser history untouched.

I don't mind giving them privacy and room to grow. But I hate being thought to be stupid.

I talked it through with my therapist, who said, "if it's not illegal or harmful, let it go. Chalk it up to something THEY have to work through. Keep loving them."

I'm trying,

But right now, I'm really hurt.

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C'mon. I know you have something to say.